Rain itself

Rain is a poem....

Is the music that can almost sound like words

The way water drops into the earth

Like if nothing else matters.....

Like a meaningful phrase...

Like it just wants to fall away.

Rain....it has ups and downs

It can be strong....

Like it wanted to hit you on the soul

And it can be as delicate

As a gentle touch.

Sometimes it is noisy and it gets into a storm

And it feels like rain can understand you....

In many ways....better than people do.

Because it sounds....like the inside of a messy soul....

Playing around with problems...

And felling things wrong....

It's just like the cry of a broken soul

Hitting the floor....

Like it wanted to break it

It is wild.....

Like an angry person....

Like an angry heart

It wants to cause some pain....

Break the rules....

Or paint some deads.

And still....is a beautiful poem

A dark poem...

Filled in of darkness till it's pouring

Filled in of bad intentions till it's over

And rain...sometimes it almost touches you....

It is like rain wants to be with you...

To be that partner you are missing

To be that savior...

To drain your darkness...

And make your soul clear...

Like the seas, rain fills in

Making you pure again

Making you breathe....

Making you stay.

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Facebook: @voidpoet


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